World Gratitude Day – Sanctuary (Home Recording)

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World Gratitude Day – Sanctuary (Home Recording)

Today is World Gratitude Day and I am so grateful.

This a demo recording of Sanctuary.

It isn’t the most perfect recording because this is recorded in my Sanctuary, my home, and it’s dedicated to my landlord and more widely to Islington.

When I arrived in London in 2003 from Melbourne, Australia, it was to pursue my dreams in music. I left after 6 years because it got too hard in the big city but in 2014 I returned and made North London my home but this time it was different. Yes, I had one suitcase and the same dream to make it in music but this time I had married my music producer and soul mate, Antony Silcock aka Tonestepa.
It wasn’t until 2020 we moved to a home big enough for me to own my first secondhand upright piano.
Although I have played piano since I was five, moving around meant I never had my own beautiful piano, they are very cumbersome and bulky but the sound they make is irreplaceable compared to modern electronic keyboards.
So, when we moved into new home when the pandemic was locking down London it coincided with losing my dayjob. Many friends and fans donated on a Go-Fund-Me to help me buy and restore the piano you are listening to me play above on the  YouTube link! Tonestepa and I think this beauty is over 100 years old.
I can only imagine the comfort and joy it has given to people over the years. It was tuned by Steve Droy of Islington Pianos (who has worked with Dido, Norah Jones and Shirley Bassey to name a few!) so another great person in the community got involved to help me, too.
I am grateful for music, for marrying the love of my life and for the silver-lining that after losing my job I started my own company, World Burlesque Ltd.
I am also hugely thankful for Diane Clarke at the whole team at The Accountancy Partnership as today we have filed accounts for my first year as company director.
Thanks also to Islington Gazette, who published my Letter To The Editor which is an ode of thanks to our landlords in Islington and to the borough.

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