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Today on the 4th of July 2024, Tony and I are celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary and we recently were honoured by the Mayor of Islington.

We live our lives as Priscilla and Antony Silcock by day and musicians Sapphira & Tonestepa by night.

This song Sanctuary was written to honour our home and in many ways provides a relevant sentiment to anyone who has had to move from city to city. Below it is played as a home recording on the piano we restored crowdfunded by family and the community. Thank you to you all for your unwavering support over the years.

We have recently been honoured by the Mayor of Islington, Her Worshipful Clr Anjna Khurana who attended a recital at Kings Place Rotunda. A special thanks to dancers Sugar Kane and Isla Belle who donated time to be present in costume for this special music launch. They, too, have immigrated from their home countries of Finland and Sweden, we all understand how precious London is as a home for us.

I’m so happy to be here for this music launch to honour Macmillan Publishers and to celebrate ten years of living in Islington. A place I love dearly myself. Your story of resilience and creativity is very, very inspiring.  And I want to particularly recognize the outstanding NHS care workers who played such an important role in your journey,” said Madame Mayor. “I’m also going to give special  to one or two people who have supported you this journey including collaborators, Charles and Christa Billich.”

Originally released for World Gratitude Day on the 21st of September 2021, this has become a wider thanks to NHS and the London borough of Islington particularly our neighbours, landlords and medical staff who supported us after Tony’s stalking attack in 2023.We are both fine and fully recovered counting our blessings with every day.

Click here to listen to Sanctuary

If you would like to support our journey, you can buy the book Burlesque Or Bust, all monies go towards supporting our self-funded album and music project and are gratefully receieved.

Click here to order Burlesque or Bust

Sapphira,with dancers Sugar Kane originally from Finland and Isla Belle originally from Sweden plus Australian Billich sketch – Mayor of Islington Sanctuary Launch

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